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Stryker’s Mako robot in action

POSTED: 22 May, 2023

Earlier this week PhD Researcher, James Dwyer and Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Alan Burden got to observe a robotic knee surgery performed by Professor Ross Crawford.

It was a great opportunity for the pair to see Ross in action with Stryker‘s Mako robot. The robot assists in accurate preparation of the bone following balancing of the knee in an attempt to put the implants in the most suitable alignment.

Although this is not a manufacturing environment, there are many elements we can carry over, including:
– how the surgeon uses and adapts their movement to the robot;
– where it is positioned in the room in relation to the patient and surgeon;
– how the surgeon gets ‘feedback’ from the robot;
and so much more.

Thanks very much for allowing us into the operating theatre Ross!