POSTED: 17 May, 2023
On Wednesday, 17 May, we were very lucky to have Australian Research Council Chief Research Officer, Professor Christina Twomey visit us at ARM Hub (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing).
During the short visit, Research program co-Lead, Glenda Caldwell and ARM Hub (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing) CEO, Cori Stewart talked about the Centre’s aims and how ARM Hub supports the translation of research into commercial outcomes for manufacturers.
QUT (Queensland University of Technology) researchers (postdoctoral research fellows (Melinda Laundon, Alan Burden and Stine Johansen and PhD researcher, Barış Balcı ) then provided an overview and demonstrations of some of our recent projects with industry partners, including Cook Medical, B&R Enclosures and InfraBuild. There was even an opportunity to try out the #VR headset!
Thank you for visiting Professor Twomey, we would love to have you back again in the future!
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