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Workshop Seminar – Cobot Work Health and Safety Guidelines

WHEN: 28 Apr

WHERE: Online event

Event Details

Collaborative robots (cobots) are emerging technologies designed to work and perform cooperative tasks alongside humans in a shared space instead of separated cells. While this allow for moving strenuous, tedious or hazardous tasks from humans to cobots, these shared workplaces bear their own health and safety risks. These do not only include physical harm like collisions but also psychological and ethic harm like mental strain or a feel of isolation when co-workers are replaced by a cobot.

In this workshop seminar, Dr Matthias Guertler, will present key findings from an Australian Cobotics Centre (ACC)-associated project on cobot work health and safety (Cobot WHS), a joint interdisciplinary research project of the UTS Centre for Advanced Manufacturing, the UTS Robotics Institute, the Centre for Inclusive Design and the NSW Centre for Work Health and Safety. This includes identified risks, mitigation measures and guidelines to design safe cobot workspaces.

Given the variety of companies and cobot workplaces, we would be keen to discuss these findings with seminar participants and get their feedback, thoughts and experience.



Dr Matthias Guertler, Research Program Co-lead for Designing Socio-technical Robotic Systems program


Ethics Disclaimer 

We would like to use your feedback for our research on further enhancing our guidelines to ensure that they are applicable in companies. Thus, we would like capture your feedback concerning our research findings and guideline and save it in a de-identified format – this means just the comments but not who said what, including the deletion of any company-related information. In addition, all collected feedback will be treated confidentially and only used for our research analysis.

By registering and attending the workshop seminar you agree to your feedback being used by us, the Cobot WHS team.

Our research has been approved in line with the University of Technology Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee [UTS HREC] guidelines. If you have any concerns or complaints about any aspect of the conduct of this research, please contact the Ethics Secretariat on ph.: +61 2 9514 2478 or email:], and quote the UTS HREC reference number (ETH21-6244).